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Story, Yousaf(pbuh)

   12:4  12:5  12:6  12:7  12:8  12:9  12:10  12:11  12:12  12:13  12:14  12:15  12:16  12:17  12:18  12:19  12:20  12:21  12:22  12:23  12:24  12:25  12:26  12:27  12:28  12:29  12:30  12:31  12:32  12:33  12:34  12:35  12:36  12:37  12:38  12:39  12:40  12:41  12:42  12:43  12:44  12:45  12:46  12:47  12:48  12:49  12:50  12:51  12:52  12:54  12:55  12:56  12:58  12:59  12:60  12:61  12:62  12:63  12:64  12:65  12:66  12:67  12:68  12:69  12:70  12:71  12:72  12:73  12:74  12:75  12:76  12:77  12:78  12:79  12:80  12:81  12:82  12:83  12:84  12:85  12:86  12:87  12:88  12:89  12:90  12:91  12:92  12:93  12:94  12:95  12:96  12:97  12:98  12:99  12:100


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ǁ  (ǟ ) . ǁ  ( ) ʪ ј ʪ 12:81

(Muhammad Assad)
 12:81 [And as for you others,] return to your father and say: `O our father! Behold, thy son has stolen-but we [can] bear witness to no more than what has become known to us; and [although we gave you our pledge,] we could not guard against something that [lay hidden in the future and, hence,] was beyond the reach of our perception. 12:81

(Yousaf Ali)
 12:81 "Turn ye back to your father, and say, 'O our father! behold! thy son committed theft! we bear witness only to what we know, and we could not well guard against the unseen!12:81