Looth(pbuh), His People Were Killed with a Rain of Stones
Åöäøó Ýöí Ðóáößó áÂíóÇÊò áøöáúãõÊóæóÓøöãöíäó 15:75
(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari) ÈÿÔ˜ ÇÓ (ÞÕÿ) ãíŸ ÇÀá ÝÑÇÓÊ ˜ÿ áíÿ äÔÇäí Àÿ 15:75
(Muhammad Assad) 15:75 Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for those who can read the signs: 15:75
(Yousaf Ali) 15:75 Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand.15:75