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Humans, Are Responsible For Their Actions

   2:134  4:79  4:111  4:123  4:134  5:36  6:158  6:164  10:44  17:13  17:14  17:71  34:25  35:18  36:65  37:39  39:7  39:41  40:40  41:46  42:15  42:30  43:76  45:15  45:22  46:19  53:31  54:52  54:53  74:38


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
( ) ǁ . ǁ  17:14

(Muhammad Assad)
 17:14 [and he will be told:] "Read this thy record,! Sufficient is thine own self today to make out thine account!" 17:14

(Yousaf Ali)
 17:14 (It will be said to him:) "Read thine (own) record: Sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee."17:14