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Mussa(pbuh), Talut After Mussa

   2:246  2:247  2:248  2:249  2:250  2:251


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
Ȫ 혪 ? ǁ  ǘ . ǐ ͘ . () ȍ . ͘ . 2:246

(Muhammad Assad)
 2:246 Art thou not aware of those elders of the children of Israel , after the time of Moses, how they said unto a prophet of theirs, "Raise up a king for us, [and] we shall fight in God's cause"? Said he: "Would you, perchance, refrain from fighting if fighting is ordained for you?" They answered: "And why should we not fight in God's cause when we and our children have been driven from our homelands?" Yet, when fighting was ordained for them, they did turn back, save for a few of them; but God had full knowledge of the evildoers.2:246

(Yousaf Ali)
 2:246 Hast thou not Turned thy vision to the Chiefs of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Moses? they said to a prophet (That was) among them: "Appoint for us a king, that we May fight in the cause of Allah." He said: "Is it not possible, if ye were commanded to fight, that that ye will not fight?" They said: "How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allah, seeing that we were turned out of our homes and our families?" but when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band among them. But Allah Has full knowledge of those who do wrong.2:246