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Mussa(pbuh), Allah(swt) Commanded Him to Go to Firaun

   20:41  20:42  20:43  20:44  20:45  20:46  20:47  20:48  25:36  26:10  26:11  26:12  26:13  26:14  26:15  26:16  26:17  79:17  79:18


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
̪ () 20:48

(Muhammad Assad)
 20:48 for, behold, it has been revealed to us that [in the life to come] suffering shall befall all who give the lie to the truth and turn away [from it]!"'20:48

(Yousaf Ali)
 20:48 "'Verily it has been revealed to us that the Penalty (awaits) those who reject and turn away.'"20:48