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Mussa(pbuh), His People Went Astray

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 قَالَ فَإِنَّا قَدْ فَتَنَّا قَوْمَكَ مِن بَعْدِكَ وَأَضَلَّهُمُ السَّامِرِيُّ 20:85

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
فرمايا کہ ہم نے تمہاري قوم کو تمہارے بعد آزمائش ميں ڈال ديا ہے اور سامري نے ان کو بہکا ديا ہے 20:85

(Muhammad Assad)
 20:85 Said He: "Then [know that], verily, in thy absence We have put thy people to a test, and the Samaritan has led them astray." 20:85

(Yousaf Ali)
 20:85 ((Allah)) said: "We have tested thy people in thy absence: the Samiri has led them astray."20:85