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Ibrahim(pbuh), True Believer

   2:124  2:135  2:260  3:67  3:68  3:95  6:76  6:77  6:78  6:79  6:161  9:114  11:74  11:75  11:76  16:120  16:121  16:122  16:123  21:51  29:16  29:17  29:18  29:24  29:25  29:26  29:27  37:83  37:84  37:100  37:101  37:102  37:103  37:104  37:105  37:106  37:107  37:108  37:109  37:110  37:111


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ʪ ʪ21:51

(Muhammad Assad)
 21:51 AND, INDEED, long before [the time of Moses] We vouchsafed unto Abraham his consciousness of what is right; and We were aware of [what moved] him21:51

(Yousaf Ali)
 21:51 We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him.21:51