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Shirk, Mushriks

   4:116  6:40  10:18  13:14  13:16  14:30  16:1  16:20  16:21  16:54  16:56  16:57  16:58  16:73  16:86  17:22  17:46  18:102  19:81  19:82  22:31  22:71  22:72  23:90  23:117  26:213  27:63  29:65  30:33  30:34  30:35  30:42  31:25  35:14  36:74  36:75  36:76  40:12  43:9  43:20  43:21  43:22  45:10


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ʪ Ȫ ǟ . Ԙ ʐ 23:117

(Muhammad Assad)
 23:117 Hence, he who invokes, side by side with God, any other deity [- a deity] for whose existence he has no evidence - shall but find his reckoning with his Sustainer: [and,] verily, such deniers of the truth will never attain to a happy state!23:117

(Yousaf Ali)
 23:117 If anyone invokes, besides Allah, Any other god, he has no authority therefor; and his reckoning will be only with his Lord! and verily the Unbelievers will fail to win through!23:117