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Allah(swt), Heartening Muhammad(pbuh)

   3:111  3:176  4:45  6:33  6:34  6:35  6:36  6:107  8:33  10:65  11:120  15:87  15:88  15:89  15:90  15:91  15:92  15:93  15:94  15:95  15:96  15:97  15:98  15:99  20:130  20:131  21:41  22:42  22:43  22:44  22:67  22:68  22:69  24:10  24:57  25:7  25:8  25:9  25:10  25:20  25:32  25:33  25:41  25:42  25:43  25:44  25:52  26:3  26:4  26:6  26:67  26:68  26:103  26:104  26:121  26:139  26:174  26:221  26:222  26:223  26:224  26:225  26:226  27:70  27:78  27:79  27:80  27:81  32:28  32:29  32:30  35:4  35:25  35:26  36:76  37:173  37:174  37:175  37:176  37:177  37:178  37:179  37:180  40:77  47:29  47:30  47:35  48:1  48:2  48:3  48:4  48:24  50:45  51:52  51:53  51:54  51:55  52:29  52:30  52:31  52:32  52:33  52:34  68:1  68:2  68:3  68:4  68:5  68:6  68:8  68:9  68:10  68:11  68:12  68:13  68:14  68:15  68:16  68:44  68:45  68:46  68:47  68:48  68:49  68:50  68:51  70:5  70:42  73:9  73:10  73:11  76:24  86:15  86:16  86:17  87:6  87:7  87:8  87:9  88:21  88:22  93:1  93:2  93:3  93:4  93:5  93:6  93:7  93:8  94:1  94:2  94:3  94:4  94:5  94:6  108:1  108:2  108:3


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
. ( ) ј. 25:32

(Muhammad Assad)
 25:32 Now they who are bent on denying the truth are wont to ask. Why has not the Quran been bestowed on him from on high in one single revelation? [it has been revealed] in this manner so that We might strengthen thy heart thereby - for We have so arranged its component parts that they form one consistent whole - 25:32

(Yousaf Ali)
 25:32 Those who reject Faith say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is it revealed), that We may strengthen thy heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually.25:32