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Unbelievers, Denying Quran and Truth

   2:174  2:175  2:176  3:7  3:23  3:24  4:46  4:55  4:56  6:11  6:20  6:25  6:26  6:37  6:157  7:36  7:37  7:177  8:31  8:32  10:17  10:38  17:89  17:90  17:91  17:92  17:93  17:94  17:95  17:98  17:99  18:56  18:57  20:124  21:5  22:51  25:4  25:5  25:6  25:7  25:8  25:9  25:10  25:11  25:20  25:21  25:22  25:23  25:31  25:32  25:50  25:60  26:5  26:6  26:200  26:201  26:202  26:203  26:204  26:205  26:206  26:207  28:47  28:48  29:47  29:50  29:68  31:6  31:7  31:20  31:21  32:22  34:5  34:31  34:34  34:43  34:44  34:45  34:46  34:53  37:12  37:13  37:14  37:15  38:2  41:26  41:27  41:40  41:44  43:29  43:30  43:31  45:7  45:8  45:9  45:25  46:3  46:7  46:8  46:10  46:11  53:59  53:60  53:61  54:1  54:2  54:3  68:44  68:45  83:13  83:14  90:19  90:20


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
() ? ? ǿ  Ϙ 25:60

(Muhammad Assad)
 25:60 Yet when they [who are bent on denying the truth! are told, Prostrate yourselves before the Most Gracious. they are wont to ask, And [who and] what is the Most Gracious? Are we to prostrate ourselves before whatever thou biddest us [to worship]? - and so [thy call] but increases their aversion,25:60

(Yousaf Ali)
 25:60 When it is said to them, "Adore ye ((Allah)) Most Gracious!", they say, "And what is ((Allah)) Most Gracious? Shall we adore that which thou commandest us?" And it increases their flight (from the Truth).25:60