Noah(pbuh), His People Were Drowned By Flood
ÞóÇáó æóãóÇ Úöáúãöí ÈöãóÇ ßóÇäõæÇ íóÚúãóáõæäó 26:112
(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari) äæÍ äÿ ˜ÀÇ ˜À ã̪ÿ ˜íÇ ãÚáæã ˜À æÀ ˜íÇ ˜ÑÊÿ ÀíŸ 26:112
(Muhammad Assad) 26:112 Said he: “And what knowledge could I have as to what they were doing [before they came to me]?26:112
(Yousaf Ali) 26:112 He said: "And what do I know as to what they do?26:112