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Allah(swt), Guides Whom He Wills

   2:213  2:269  3:74  6:87  6:88  6:125  7:30  7:178  10:25  22:16  24:46  28:56  28:68  29:69  35:8  39:23  39:37  42:8  64:11  74:31  76:31


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ϐ ( ) ѐ . . ј ǘ 28:68

(Muhammad Assad)
 28:68 AND [thus it is:] thy Sustainer creates whatever He wills; and He chooses [for mankind] whatever is best for them. Limitless is God in His glory, and sublimely exalted above anything to which they may ascribe a share in His divinity!28:68

(Yousaf Ali)
 28:68 Thy Lord does create and choose as He pleases: no choice have they (in the matter): Glory to Allah. and far is He above the partners they ascribe (to Him)!28:68