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Noah(pbuh), His People Were Drowned By Flood

   7:59  7:60  7:61  7:62  7:63  7:64  10:71  10:72  10:73  11:25  11:26  11:27  11:28  11:29  11:30  11:31  11:32  11:33  11:36  11:37  11:38  11:39  11:40  11:41  11:42  11:43  11:44  11:45  11:46  11:47  11:48  17:17  21:76  21:77  23:23  23:24  23:25  23:26  23:27  23:28  23:29  23:30  25:37  26:105  26:106  26:107  26:108  26:109  26:110  26:111  26:112  26:113  26:114  26:115  26:116  26:117  26:118  26:119  26:120  26:121  29:14  29:15  37:75  37:76  37:77  37:78  37:79  37:80  37:81  37:82  51:46  54:9  54:10  54:11  54:12  54:13  54:14  54:15  54:16  71:1  71:2  71:3  71:4  71:5  71:6  71:7  71:8  71:9  71:10  71:11  71:12  71:13  71:14  71:15  71:16  71:17  71:21  71:22  71:23  71:24  71:25  71:26  71:27  71:28

 فَأَنجَيْنَاهُ وَأَصْحَابَ السَّفِينَةِ وَجَعَلْنَاهَا آيَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ 29:15

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
پھر ہم نے نوح? کو اور کشتي والوں کو نجات دي اور کشتي کو اہل عالم کے لئے نشاني بنا ديا29:15

(Muhammad Assad)
 29:15 but We saved him, together with all who were in the ark, which We then set up as a symbol [of Our grace] for all people [to remember].29:15

(Yousaf Ali)
 29:15 But We saved him and the companions of the Ark, and We made the (Ark) a Sign for all peoples!29:15