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Hell, Scenes of Hell

   7:41  14:16  14:17  14:29  15:43  15:44  18:29  20:74  22:19  22:20  22:21  22:22  23:103  23:104  23:105  23:106  23:107  23:108  25:11  25:12  25:13  25:14  25:65  25:66  26:96  29:54  32:20  33:64  33:65  33:66  33:67  33:68  35:37  36:63  36:64  36:65  36:66  36:67  37:62  37:63  37:64  37:65  37:66  37:67  37:68  38:56  38:57  38:58  38:59  38:60  38:61  38:62  38:63  38:64  39:15  39:16  40:46  40:47  40:48  40:49  40:50  41:28  43:74  43:75  43:76  43:77  43:78  43:79  44:43  44:44  44:45  44:46  44:47  44:48  44:49  44:50  48:6  48:13  52:14  52:15  52:16  55:43  55:44  56:42  56:43  56:44  56:45  56:46  56:47  56:48  56:49  56:50  56:51  56:52  56:53  56:54  56:55  56:56  64:10  66:6  67:6  67:7  67:8  67:9  67:10  67:11  73:12  73:13  76:4  77:29  77:30  77:31  77:32  77:33  78:21  78:22  78:23  78:24  78:25  78:26  78:30  82:14  82:15  82:16  88:5  88:6  88:7


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
. ̪ ̪ ʪ 32:20

(Muhammad Assad)
 32:20 but as for those who are lost in iniquity - their goal is the fire: as oft as they will try to come out of it, they will be thrown back into it; and they will be told, Taste [now] this suffering through fire which you were wont to call a lie!32:20

(Yousaf Ali)
 32:20 As to those who are rebellious and wicked, their abode will be the Fire: every time they wish to get away therefrom, they will be forced thereinto, and it will be said to them: "Taste ye the Penalty of the Fire, the which ye were wont to reject as false."32:20