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Unbelievers, Denying Quran and Truth

   2:174  2:175  2:176  3:7  3:23  3:24  4:46  4:55  4:56  6:11  6:20  6:25  6:26  6:37  6:157  7:36  7:37  7:177  8:31  8:32  10:17  10:38  17:89  17:90  17:91  17:92  17:93  17:94  17:95  17:98  17:99  18:56  18:57  20:124  21:5  22:51  25:4  25:5  25:6  25:7  25:8  25:9  25:10  25:11  25:20  25:21  25:22  25:23  25:31  25:32  25:50  25:60  26:5  26:6  26:200  26:201  26:202  26:203  26:204  26:205  26:206  26:207  28:47  28:48  29:47  29:50  29:68  31:6  31:7  31:20  31:21  32:22  34:5  34:31  34:34  34:43  34:44  34:45  34:46  34:53  37:12  37:13  37:14  37:15  38:2  41:26  41:27  41:40  41:44  43:29  43:30  43:31  45:7  45:8  45:9  45:25  46:3  46:7  46:8  46:10  46:11  53:59  53:60  53:61  54:1  54:2  54:3  68:44  68:45  83:13  83:14  90:19  90:20


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
Ț ϐ . 32:22

(Muhammad Assad)
 32:22 And who could be more wicked than he to whom his Sustainers messages are conveyed and who thereupon turns away from them? Verily, We shall inflict Our retribution on those who are [thus] lost in sin!32:22

(Yousaf Ali)
 32:22 And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited the Signs of his Lord, and who then turns away therefrom? Verily from those who transgress We shall exact (due) Retribution.32:22