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Story, People of Sheba

   34:15  34:16  34:17  34:18  34:19  34:20  34:21


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
() ʪ () () () . ǁ ϐ Ԙ . (ǟ ) ǘ (ǟ ) 34:15

(Muhammad Assad)
 34:15 INDEED, in [the luxuriant beauty of] their homeland, the people of Sheba had an evidence [of Gods grace] two [vast expanses of] gardens, to the right and to the left, [calling out to them, as it were:] Eat of what your Sustainer has provided for you, and render thanks unto Him: a land most goodly, and a Sustainer much-forgiving!34:15

(Yousaf Ali)
 34:15 There was, for Saba, aforetime, a Sign in their home-land - two Gardens to the right and to the left. "Eat of the Sustenance (provided) by your Lord, and be grateful to Him: a territory fair and happy, and a Lord Oft-Forgiving!34:15