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Story, People of Sheba

   34:15  34:16  34:17  34:18  34:19  34:20  34:21


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
(Ԙѐ ) ʪ ̪ ʪ ʪ ǟ34:16

(Muhammad Assad)
 34:16 But they turned away [from Us], and so We let loose upon them a flood that overwhelmed the dams, and changed their two [expanses of luxuriant] gardens into a couple of gardens yielding bitter fruit, and tamarisks, and some few [wild] lote-trees:34:16

(Yousaf Ali)
 34:16 But they turned away (from Allah., and We sent against them the Flood (released) from the dams, and We converted their two garden (rows) into "gardens" producing bitter fruit, and tamarisks, and some few (stunted) Lote-trees.34:16