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Younas(pbuh), Fish Swallowed Him

   37:139  37:140  37:141  37:142  37:143  37:144  37:145  37:146  37:147  37:148  68:48  68:49  68:50

 فَآمَنُوا فَمَتَّعْنَاهُمْ إِلَى حِينٍ 37:148

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
تو وہ ايمان لے آئے سو ہم نے بھي ان کو (دنيا ميں) ايک وقت (مقرر) تک فائدے ديتے رہے 37:148

(Muhammad Assad)
 37:148 and [this time] they believed [in him] and so We allowed them to enjoy their life during the time allotted to them? 37:148

(Yousaf Ali)
 37:148 And they believed; so We permitted them to enjoy (their life) for a while.37:148