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Unbelievers, Deying Messengers

   3:21  3:22  3:183  3:184  3:187  4:150  4:151  13:43  14:9  14:10  14:11  14:12  14:13  15:11  25:42  34:35  34:36  34:38  35:4  36:46  37:35  37:36  37:37  40:4  40:5  41:13  41:14  43:23  43:24  43:25  50:2  51:52  51:53  64:5  64:6

 Åöäøóåõãú ßóÇäõæÇ ÅöÐóÇ Þöíáó áóåõãú áóÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ Çááøóåõ íóÓúÊóßúÈöÑõæäó 37:35

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
Çä ˜Ç íÀ ÍÇá 滂 ˜À ÌÈ Çä Óÿ ˜ÀÇ ÌÇÊÇ ÊªÇ ˜À ÎÏÇ ˜ÿ ÓæÇ ˜æÆí ãÚÈæÏ äÀíŸ Êæ ÛÑæÑ ˜ÑÊÿ ʪÿ37:35

(Muhammad Assad)
 37:35 for, behold, whenever they were told, “There is no deity save God,” they would glory in their arrogance37:35

(Yousaf Ali)
 37:35 For they, when they were told that there is no god except Allah, would puff themselves up with Pride,37:35