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Daud(pbuh) and Suleman(pbuh)

   21:78  21:79  21:80  21:81  21:82  27:15  27:16  27:17  27:18  27:19  27:20  27:21  27:22  27:23  27:24  27:25  27:26  27:27  27:28  27:29  27:30  27:31  27:32  27:33  27:34  27:35  27:36  27:37  27:38  27:39  27:40  27:41  27:42  27:43  27:44  34:10  34:11  34:12  34:13  34:14  38:17  38:18  38:19  38:20  38:21  38:22  38:23  38:24  38:25  38:26  38:30  38:31  38:32  38:33  38:34  38:35  38:36  38:37  38:38  38:39  38:40

 æóÔóÏóÏúäóÇ ãõáúßóåõ æóÂÊóíúäóÇåõ ÇáúÍößúãóÉó æóÝóÕúáó ÇáúÎöØóÇÈö 38:20

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ÇæÑ Àã äÿ Çä ˜í ÈÇÏÔÇÀí ˜æ ãÓÊ͘㠘íÇ ÇæÑ Çä ˜æ ͘ãÊ ÚØÇ ˜í ÇæÑ (ÎÕæãÊ ˜í) ÈÇÊ ˜Ç ÝíÕáÀ (Ó˜ªÇíÇ) 38:20

(Muhammad Assad)
 38:20 And We streng­thened his dominion, and bestowed upon him wisdom and sagacity in judgment.38:20

(Yousaf Ali)
 38:20 We strengthened his kingdom, and gave him wisdom and sound judgment in speech and decision.38:20