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Ayub(pbuh), Introduction

   21:83  21:84  38:41  38:42  38:43  38:44


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ǁ ʪ ̪ǚ . Ԙ . ʪ Ԙ ʪ 38:44

(Muhammad Assad)
 38:44 [And finally We told him:] Now take in thy hand a small bunch of grass, and strike therewith, and thou wilt not break thine oath! for, verily, We found him full of patience in adversity: how excellent a servant [of Ours], who, behold, would always turn unto Us!38:44

(Yousaf Ali)
 38:44 "And take in thy hand a little grass, and strike therewith: and break not (thy oath)." Truly We found him full of patience and constancy. How excellent in Our service! ever did he turn (to Us)!38:44