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Allah(swt), Does not Guide them

   2:26  3:86  4:88  4:137  4:168  4:169  6:110  6:123  6:144  7:100  7:146  7:179  7:186  9:80  13:31  13:33  16:37  16:107  30:29  30:58  30:59  39:36  40:33  40:34  40:35  42:46  45:23  46:10  61:5  61:7  62:5  63:6


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
Ϙ 4:168

(Muhammad Assad)
 4:168 Behold, those who are bent on denying the truth and on evildoing - God will indeed not forgive them, nor will He guide them onto any road4:168

(Yousaf Ali)
 4:168 Those who reject Faith and do wrong,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them to any way-4:168