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Those, Who Pretend as Muslims, Munafiqs

   4:60  4:61  4:62  4:63  4:65  4:66  4:67  4:68  4:138  4:139  4:141  4:142  4:143  4:145  9:62  9:63  9:64  9:65  9:66  9:67  9:68  9:69  9:74  9:75  9:76  9:77  9:79  9:81  9:83  9:84  9:85  9:97  9:98  9:101  9:107  33:12  47:1  47:20  47:22  47:23  47:24  47:25  47:34  59:11  59:16  59:17  63:1  63:2  63:3  63:4  63:5  63:6  63:7  63:8

 وَلَوْ أَنَّا كَتَبْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ أَنِ اقْتُلُواْ أَنفُسَكُمْ أَوِ اخْرُجُواْ مِن دِيَارِكُم مَّا فَعَلُوهُ إِلاَّ قَلِيلٌ مِّنْهُمْ وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ فَعَلُواْ مَا يُوعَظُونَ بِهِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَّهُمْ وَأَشَدَّ تَثْبِيتًا 4:66

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
اور اگر ہم انہيں حکم ديتے کہ اپنے آپ کو قتل کر ڈالو يا اپنے گھر چھوڑ کر نکل جاؤ تو ان ميں سے تھوڑے ہي ايسا کرتے اور اگر يہ اس نصيحت پر کاربند ہوتے جو ان کو کي جاتي ہے تو ان کے حق ميں بہتر اور (دين ميں) زيادہ ثابت قدمي کا موجب ہوتا4:66

(Muhammad Assad)
 4:66 Yet if We were to ordain for them, "Lay down your lives," or, "Forsake your homelands," only a very few of them would do it - although, if they did what they are admonished to do, it would indeed be for their own good and apt to strengthen them greatly [in faith],4:66

(Yousaf Ali)
 4:66 If We had ordered them to sacrifice their lives or to leave their homes, very few of them would have done it: But if they had done what they were (actually) told, it would have been best for them, and would have gone farthest to strengthen their (faith);4:66