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Allah(swt), Promises good for good people

   2:25  2:62  2:277  3:57  3:145  3:195  3:198  3:199  4:31  4:40  4:57  4:114  4:122  4:147  4:152  4:173  4:175  5:9  5:69  5:119  6:127  6:160  7:32  7:35  7:42  7:43  7:156  7:170  8:4  9:21  9:22  9:72  9:89  9:100  10:9  10:26  10:64  11:11  11:108  13:29  16:30  16:31  16:97  16:128  17:19  17:20  18:30  21:94  21:101  22:14  22:37  22:50  24:55  25:15  25:16  33:35  33:43  33:44  33:47  33:71  33:73  34:4  35:7  35:32  35:33  35:34  35:35  36:11  37:42  37:43  38:28  39:10  39:34  39:35  40:40  40:51  41:8  41:30  41:31  41:32  42:22  42:26  42:36  46:13  46:14  46:16  47:12  47:17  48:5  52:21  56:88  56:89  57:12  57:28  58:22  61:10  61:11  61:12  61:13  61:14  65:11  66:8  68:34  68:35  82:13  84:25  85:11  95:6  98:7  98:8


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ϐ ( ) ( ) ǘ ʪ 41:30

(Muhammad Assad)
 41:30 [But,] behold, as for those who say, Our Sustainer is God, and then steadfastly pursue the right way - upon them do angels often descend, [saying:] Fear not and grieve not, but receive the glad tiding of that paradise which has been promised to you!41:30

(Yousaf Ali)
 41:30 In the case of those who say, "Our Lord is Allah., and, further, stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend on them (from time to time): "Fear ye not!" (they suggest), "Nor grieve! but receive the Glad Tidings of the Garden (of Bliss), the which ye were promised!41:30