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Allah(swt), Knowing Allah(swt)

   1:1  2:255  4:87  8:53  8:62  8:63  8:64  9:104  9:106  9:111  13:9  14:32  14:38  14:47  15:86  17:43  17:44  17:111  20:5  20:8  23:78  23:79  23:80  23:116  24:35  24:36  25:58  25:59  26:9  27:26  27:73  30:6  30:19  30:26  30:27  32:6  34:1  35:43  36:82  36:83  37:4  37:5  41:43  41:46  48:22  48:23  48:28  50:29  55:1  55:27  55:29  55:78  57:1  57:2  57:3  57:4  57:9  59:22  59:23  59:24  61:8  61:9  67:15  67:24  72:3  72:26  85:14  85:15  85:16  112:1  112:2  112:3  112:4


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ʪ. Ԙ ϐ Ȫ Ȫ 41:43

(Muhammad Assad)
 41:43 [And as for thee, O Prophet,] nothing is being said to thee but what was said to all [of Gods] apostles before thy time. Behold, thy Sustainer is indeed full of forgiveness - but He has also the power to requite most grievously!41:43

(Yousaf Ali)
 41:43 Nothing is said to thee that was not said to the apostles before thee: that thy lord has at his Command (all) forgiveness as well as a most Grievous Penalty.41:43