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Gods, Beside Allah(swt)

   9:31  10:18  10:66  16:20  16:21  25:3  25:17  25:18  25:19  25:55  40:20  43:86  43:87  46:4  71:23


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ǐ 捪 . ǟ ퟿ 43:87

(Muhammad Assad)
 43:87 Now if thou ask those [who worship any being other than God] as to who it is that has created them, they are sure to answer, God. How perverted, then, are their minds!43:87

(Yousaf Ali)
 43:87 If thou ask them, who created them, they will certainly say, Allah. How then are they deluded away (from the Truth)?43:87