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Hood(pbuh), People of Aad

   7:65  7:66  7:67  7:68  7:69  7:70  7:71  7:72  11:50  11:51  11:52  11:53  11:54  11:56  11:57  11:58  11:59  11:60  26:123  26:124  26:125  26:126  26:127  26:128  26:129  26:130  26:131  26:132  26:133  26:134  26:135  26:136  26:137  26:138  26:139  41:15  41:16  46:21  46:22  46:23  46:24  46:25  46:26  51:41  51:42  53:50  54:18  54:19  54:20  54:21  69:6  69:7  69:8  89:6  89:7  89:8


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
( ) 혪 ( ) . () () ʪ Ϫ Ȫ 46:24

(Muhammad Assad)
 46:24 And so, when they beheld it in the shape of a dense cloud approaching their valleys, they exclaimed, This is but a heavy cloud which will bring us [welcome] rain! [But Hud said:] Nay, but it is the very thing which you [so contemptuously] sought to hasten - a wind bearing grievous suffering,46:24

(Yousaf Ali)
 46:24 Then, when they saw the (Penalty in the shape of) a cloud traversing the sky, coming to meet their valleys, they said, "This cloud will give us rain!" "Nay, it is the (Calamity) ye were asking to be hastened!- A wind wherein is a Grievous Penalty!46:24