(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
اور جو شخص خدا کي طرف بلانے والے کي بات قبول نہ کرے گا تو وہ زمين ميں (خدا کو) عاجز نہيں کرسکے گا اور نہ اس کے سوا اس کے حمايتي ہوں گے. يہ لوگ صريح گمراہي ميں ہيں 46:32
(Muhammad Assad)
46:32 But he who does not respond to God’s call can never elude [Him] on earth, nor can he has any protector against Him [in the life to come]: all such are most obviously lost in error.” 46:32
(Yousaf Ali)
46:32 "If any does not hearken to the one who invites (us) to Allah, he cannot frustrate (Allah's Plan) on earth, and no protectors can he have besides Allah; such men (wander) in manifest error."46:32