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Order, Insaaf, justice

   4:135  5:2  5:8  5:38  5:45  5:48  5:49  5:106  5:107  6:152  7:29  16:90  33:70  38:26  49:9  55:9


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ʪ NJ () ͘ 5:38

(Muhammad Assad)
 5:38 NOW AS FOR the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off the hand of either of them in requital for what they have wrought, as a deterrent ordained by God: for God is almighty, wise.5:38

(Yousaf Ali)
 5:38 As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power.5:38