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Allah(swt), Is Very Close

   2:186  50:16  50:17  56:85  58:7

 إِذْ يَتَلَقَّى الْمُتَلَقِّيَانِ عَنِ الْيَمِينِ وَعَنِ الشِّمَالِ قَعِيدٌ 50:17

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
جب (وہ کوئي کام کرتا ہے تو) دو لکھنے والے جو دائيں بائيں بيٹھے ہيں، لکھ ليتے ہيں 50:17

(Muhammad Assad)
 50:17 [And so,] whenever the two demands [of his nature] come face to face, contending from the right and from the left, 50:17

(Yousaf Ali)
 50:17 Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left.50:17