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Muhammad(pbuh), Saw Angel Jibrael

   53:1  53:2  53:3  53:4  53:5  53:6  53:7  53:8  53:9  53:10  53:11  53:12  53:13  53:14  53:15  53:16  53:17  53:18

 ãóÇ Öóáøó ÕóÇÍöÈõßõãú æóãóÇ Ûóæóì 53:2

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
˜À ÊãÀÇÑÿ ÑÝíÞ (ãÍãÏ?) äÀ ÑÓÊÀ Ȫæáÿ ÀíŸ äÀ ȪŠ˜ÿ ÀíŸ 53:2

(Muhammad Assad)
 53:2 This fellow-man of yours has not gone astray, nor is he deluded, 53:2

(Yousaf Ali)
 53:2 Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled.53:2