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Comments, Humans Striving For

   53:38  53:39  53:40  53:41  68:34  68:35  68:36  68:37  68:38  68:39  92:4  92:5  92:6  92:7  92:8  92:9  92:10

 æóÃóä áøóíúÓó áöáúÅöäÓóÇäö ÅöáøóÇ ãóÇ ÓóÚóì 53:39

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
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(Muhammad Assad)
 53:39 and that nought shall be accounted unto man but what he is striving for; 53:39

(Yousaf Ali)
 53:39 That man can have nothing but what he strives for;53:39