About Quran in Quran
Åöäú åõæó ÅöáøóÇ æóÍúíñ íõæÍóì 53:4
(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari) íÀ (ÞÑÂä) Êæ ͘ã ÎÏÇ Àÿ Ìæ (Çä ˜í ØÑÝ) ȪíÌÇ ÌÇÊÇ Àÿ 53:4
(Muhammad Assad) 53:4 that [which he conveys to you] is but [a divine] inspiration with which he is being inspired –53:4
(Yousaf Ali) 53:4 It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:53:4