Those who do not believe
وَالَّذِينَ كَذَّبُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا يَمَسُّهُمُ الْعَذَابُ بِمَا كَانُواْ يَفْسُقُونَ 6:49
(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari) اور جنہوں نے ہماري آيتوں کو جھٹلايا ان کي نافرمانيوں کے سبب انہيں عذاب ہوگا 6:49
(Muhammad Assad) 6:49 whereas those who give the lie to Our messages - suffering will afflict them in result of all their sinful doings.6:49
(Yousaf Ali) 6:49 But those who reject our signs,- them shall punishment touch, for that they ceased not from transgressing.6:49