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Shoaib(pbuh), His People Were Dishonest In Measuring

   7:85  7:86  7:87  7:88  7:89  7:90  7:91  7:92  7:93  11:84  11:85  11:86  11:87  11:88  11:89  11:91  11:92  11:93  11:94  15:78  15:79  26:176  26:177  26:178  26:179  26:180  26:181  26:182  26:183  26:184  26:185  26:186  26:187  26:188  26:189  26:190  29:36  29:37

 وَلاَ تَقْعُدُواْ بِكُلِّ صِرَاطٍ تُوعِدُونَ وَتَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللّهِ مَنْ آمَنَ بِهِ وَتَبْغُونَهَا عِوَجًا وَاذْكُرُواْ إِذْ كُنتُمْ قَلِيلاً فَكَثَّرَكُمْ وَانظُرُواْ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الْمُفْسِدِينَ 7:86

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
اور ہر رستے پر مت بيٹھا کرو کہ جو شخص خدا پر ايمان نہيں لاتا ہے اسے تم ڈراتے اور راہ خدا سے روکتے اور اس ميں کجي ڈھونڈتے ہو اور (اس وقت کو) ياد کرو جب تم تھوڑے سے تھے تو خدا نے تم کو جماعت کثير کر ديا اور ديکھ لو کہ خرابي کرنے والوں کا انجام کيسا ہوا 7:86

(Muhammad Assad)
 7:86 And do not lie in ambush by every road [that leads to the truth ], threatening and trying to turn away from God's path all who believe in Him, and trying to make it appear crooked. And remember [the time] when you were few, and [how] He made you many: and behold what happened in the end to the spreaders of corruption!7:86

(Yousaf Ali)
 7:86 "And squat not on every road, breathing threats, hindering from the path of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking in it something crooked; But remember how ye were little, and He gave you increase. And hold in your mind's eye what was the end of those who did mischief.7:86