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Those, Who are real Losers

   4:51  4:52  6:70  6:109  6:113  6:140  7:37  7:99  8:36  8:37  8:55  9:93  11:21  11:22  18:103  18:104  18:105  18:106


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ј ( ) 7:99

(Muhammad Assad)
 7:99 Can they, then, ever feel secure from God's deep devising? But none feels secure from God's deep devising save people who are [already] lost. 7:99

(Yousaf Ali)
 7:99 Did they then feel secure against the plan of Allah.- but no one can feel secure from the Plan of Allah, except those (doomed) to ruin!7:99