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Allah(swt), Warns Disbelievers

   13:34  36:45  74:11  74:12  74:13  74:14  74:15  74:16  74:17  74:18  74:19  74:20  74:21  74:22  74:23  74:24  74:25  74:26  74:27  74:28  74:29  74:30  77:46

 Åöäøóåõ ÝóßøóÑó æóÞóÏøóÑó 74:18

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
ÇÓ äÿ Ý˜Ñ ˜íÇ ÇæÑ ÊÌæíÒ ˜í 74:18

(Muhammad Assad)
 74:18 Behold, [when Our messages are conveyed to one who is bent on denying the truth,] he reflects and meditates [as to how to disprove them] –74:18

(Yousaf Ali)
 74:18 For he thought and he plotted;-74:18