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Order, Fight, Rules of battles

   2:191  2:192  2:193  2:194  2:217  4:71  4:90  4:91  8:41  8:47  8:56  8:57  8:60  8:61  8:65  8:67  8:69  9:4  9:5  9:6  9:13  9:14  9:29  9:36  9:91  9:123  22:39  47:4


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
( ) ǁ ( ) 8:56

(Muhammad Assad)
 8:56 AS FOR THOSE with whom thou hast made a covenant, and who thereupon break their covenant on every occasion, not being conscious of God-8:56

(Yousaf Ali)
 8:56 They are those with whom thou didst make a covenant, but they break their covenant every time, and they have not the fear (of Allah..8:56