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Those, Who Pretend as Muslims, Munafiqs

   4:60  4:61  4:62  4:63  4:65  4:66  4:67  4:68  4:138  4:139  4:141  4:142  4:143  4:145  9:62  9:63  9:64  9:65  9:66  9:67  9:68  9:69  9:74  9:75  9:76  9:77  9:79  9:81  9:83  9:84  9:85  9:97  9:98  9:101  9:107  33:12  47:1  47:20  47:22  47:23  47:24  47:25  47:34  59:11  59:16  59:17  63:1  63:2  63:3  63:4  63:5  63:6  63:7  63:8

 الْمُنَافِقُونَ وَالْمُنَافِقَاتُ بَعْضُهُم مِّن بَعْضٍ يَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمُنكَرِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَقْبِضُونَ أَيْدِيَهُمْ نَسُواْ اللّهَ فَنَسِيَهُمْ إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ 9:67

(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
منافق مرد اور منافق عورتيں ايک دوسرے کے ہم جنس (يعني ايک طرح کے) ہيں کہ برے کام کرنے کو کہتے اور نيک کاموں سے منع کرتے اور (خرچ کرنے سے) ہاتھ بند کئے رہتے ہيں. انہوں نے خدا کو بھلا ديا تو خدا نے ان کو بھلا ديا. بےشک منافق نافرمان ہيں9:67

(Muhammad Assad)
 9:67 The hypocrites, both men and women. are all of a kind: they enjoin the doing of what is wrong and forbid the doing of what is right and withhold their hands [from doing good]. They are oblivious of God, and so He is oblivious of them. Verily, the hypocrites-it is they, they who are truly iniquitously 9:67

(Yousaf Ali)
 9:67 The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten Allah. so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.9:67