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Comments, Friendship with Allah(swt)

   2:195  2:205  2:222  2:257  2:276  3:32  3:76  3:134  3:140  3:146  3:147  3:148  3:159  4:107  5:64  7:31  7:196  10:62  11:113  12:52  22:38  28:76  28:77  30:45  31:18  34:37  42:40  45:19  49:9  57:23  60:8  61:4

Comments, Friendship with Allah(swt)
These Verses tell us that Allah(swt) keeps friendship with people who have certain qualities and does not keep friendship who do wrong things. knowing about these verses will let us to try in getting closer to Allah(swt)

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