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Linking of Quranic Verses to Topics

Verses of Quran-e-Pak are associated to one or more topics of understanding, our readers associate these verses to topics and create new topics while reading. It has been observed that meanings of Quranic language and speech gets more clear when reading over and over again, currently 4th Read of Quran is in process and we are devoted to continue this activity for the rest of our lives and Inshallah the linkages of verses will become better and better after each Read.

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Currently following Topics have been added


  About Quran in Quran   |(217) 


  About, The Dead Ones   |(10) 


  Adam(pbuh), His Son Killed Own Brother   |(6) 


  Adam(pbuh), story of creation   |(11) 


  Addressing, People of the Book   |(22) 


  Allah(swt), Addressing Humans   |(30) 


  Allah(swt), Addressing Mushriks   |(9) 


  Allah(swt), Addressing Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)   |(148) 


  Allah(swt), Causes Clouds, Thunder and Rain   |(10) 


  Allah(swt), Controls, Humans   |(5) 


  Allah(swt), Created Animals   |(15) 


  Allah(swt), Created Earth   |(19) 


  Allah(swt), Created Everything   |(33) 


  Allah(swt), Created Everything In Pairs   |(1) 


  Allah(swt), Created Food and Fruits   |(5) 


  Allah(swt), Created Humans   |(72) 


  Allah(swt), Created Jins   |(7) 


  Allah(swt), Created Mountains   |(7) 


  Allah(swt), Created Skies   |(17) 


  Allah(swt), Does not Guide them   |(32) 


  Allah(swt), Does not like them   |(9) 


  Allah(swt), does whatever he wills   |(16) 


  Allah(swt), Everything bow down to Him   |(3) 


  Allah(swt), Gives Life and Death   |(28) 


  Allah(swt), Gives Us Water   |(10) 


  Allah(swt), Giving more chances   |(9) 


  Allah(swt), Guides Whom He Wills   |(21) 


  Allah(swt), Heartening Muhammad(pbuh)   |(158) 


  Allah(swt), His Controls   |(39) 


  Allah(swt), If He willed   |(7) 


  Allah(swt), Is Most Forgiving   |(16) 


  Allah(swt), Is Very Close   |(5) 


  Allah(swt), Knowing Allah(swt)   |(73) 


  Allah(swt), Knows everything   |(90) 


  Allah(swt), Knows What Goes Through Hearts   |(1) 


  Allah(swt), Lord of the Universe   |(82) 


  Allah(swt), Made Rivers to Serve Us   |(7) 


  Allah(swt), Made Sun and Moon to Serve Us   |(2) 


  Allah(swt), Promises good for good people   |(110) 


  Allah(swt), Raised Degrees On One Another   |(2) 


  Allah(swt), Reminding Muslims of His Help   |(2) 


  Allah(swt), Rizak is in His Control   |(35) 


  Allah(swt), Sends Message / Vahi   |(6) 


  Allah(swt), Sent Messengers & Books   |(61) 


  Allah(swt), Swors on   |(129) 


  Allah(swt), told us to make us realize   |(132) 


  Allah(swt), Warns Disbelievers   |(23) 


  Allah(swt), will Surely Testify   |(12) 


  Angel Jabrael(AHS)   |(6) 


  Angels, what is told about them   |(33) 


  Animal Named, Honey Bee   |(2) 


  Animal, Camel   |(1) 


  Ashab-e-Kahaf, People of Cave   |(18) 


  Aysha(RA), People Accused Her   |(11) 


  Ayub(pbuh), Introduction   |(6) 


  Battles between Muslims and Mushriks   |(17) 


  Blievers, Among People of the Book   |(3) 


  Book, Kitab-e-Roshan   |(18) 


  Comments, About Death and Its Time   |(1) 


  Comments, About Islam   |(5) 


  Comments, Adultery ,Adulterers   |(10) 


  Comments, Deceiving Others   |(2) 


  Comments, Friendship with Allah(swt)   |(32) 


  Comments, Humans Striving For   |(17) 


  Comments, On Day of Judgment   |(144) 


  Comments, On Human Relations   |(14) 


  Comments, On Humans   |(139) 


  Comments, On Jews   |(3) 


  Comments, On Life of This World   |(20) 


  Comments, On Messengers   |(3) 


  Comments, On Mushriks   |(46) 


  Comments, People Having Wrong Believes   |(2) 


  Comments, Spending Wealth in the Way of Allah(swt)   |(25) 


  Comments, Those Who Disobey Allah(swt) & Prophet(pbuh)   |(15) 


  Comments, Why People Do Not Believe   |(19) 


  Comments, Why They are Sent in Hell   |(16) 


  Danai / Hikamat aik Naimat   |(2) 


  Daud(pbuh) and Suleman(pbuh)   |(61) 


  Eesa(pbuh), Jesus Bron Miraculously   |(58) 


  Eesa(pbuh), Meal from Allah(swt) for His People   |(5) 


  Examples given in Quran   |(66) 


  Friendship with Enemies   |(6) 


  Fruit Named, Angoor   |(4) 


  Fruit Named, Khajoor   |(8) 


  Fruit Named, Zaitoon   |(1) 


  Gods, Beside Allah(swt)   |(15) 


  Guiding Muslims, Be United   |(8) 


  Guiding Muslims, Do Not Listen To Kafirs   |(6) 


  Guiding Muslims, Remain Conscious Of God   |(1) 


  Guiding Muslims, To Deal With People of the Book   |(8) 


  Hell, Cries of Unbelievers in the Hell   |(13) 


  Hell, Scenes of Hell   |(127) 


  Hell, Shackles Around Their Necks   |(1) 


  Hood(pbuh), People of Aad   |(56) 


  Human Body Parts will Testify   |(8) 


  Humans, Are Responsible For Their Actions   |(30) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), Blessings of Allah(swt) on Him   |(12) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), Dialog With Namrood   |(1) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), His Guests   |(28) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), Prayed for Makkah City   |(4) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), Preached His People   |(64) 


  Ibrahim(pbuh), True Believer   |(41) 


  Idrees(pbuh), Introduction   |(3) 


  If Allah(swt) would have not Helped   |(9) 


  Ilyas(pbuh), Introduction   |(10) 


  Ismaeel(pbuh), Introduction   |(4) 


  Janat, Paradize, How good is that   |(164) 


  Jihad, Muslims Must Fight   |(31) 


  Jihad, Those Who Fought for Allah(swt)   |(5) 


  Jihad, Those who Get Martyred   |(3) 


  Lalia-tul-Qadar, The Blessed Night   |(10) 


  Looth(pbuh), His People Were Killed with a Rain of Stones   |(72) 


  Luqman(pbuh), Was Very Wise   |(4) 


  Making of Sects In Islam   |(2) 


  Makkah, First Home of Worship   |(3) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Allah(swt) Telling Him His Task   |(1) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Deserves Respect & Honor   |(7) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Events from His Life   |(10) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), His Wifes   |(16) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Saw Angel Jibrael   |(18) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Tell Them About Yourself   |(9) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), The Praised   |(16) 


  Muhammad(pbuh), Unbelievers Denying Him   |(3) 


  Mussa(pbuh)   |(128) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Allah(swt) Commanded Him to Go to Firaun   |(19) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Allah(swt) Gave Him The Holy Torah   |(5) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Allah(swt) Saved Him When He Was An Infant   |(4) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Allah(swt), Addressing Bani Israel   |(7) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Escape of Bani Israel   |(21) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Example of Qaroon   |(7) 


  Mussa(pbuh), His People   |(18) 


  Mussa(pbuh), His People Refused to Fight   |(6) 


  Mussa(pbuh), His People Went Astray   |(28) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Majic Contest   |(46) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Plagues on People of Firaun   |(7) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Talut After Mussa   |(6) 


  Mussa(pbuh), Went to Firaun   |(49) 


  Mussa(pbuh), When Allah(swt) Talked to Him   |(41) 


  Mussa(pbuh), With Hazrat Khizar(pbuh)   |(24) 


  Noah(pbuh), His People Were Drowned By Flood   |(104) 


  Order, Arrogance   |(3) 


  Order, Ask For Forgiveness from Allah(swt)   |(8) 


  Order, Be Thankful To Allah(swt)   |(4) 


  Order, Behaving With Others   |(14) 


  Order, Care Your Promises   |(16) 


  Order, Caring for Needy   |(5) 


  Order, Caring Orphans   |(10) 


  Order, Caring Parents   |(7) 


  Order, Dealing with Mushriks   |(13) 


  Order, Distribution of Inheritance   |(9) 


  Order, Do Not Commit Adultery   |(11) 


  Order, Do not Squander   |(3) 


  Order, Enjoin Good and Forbid Bad   |(5) 


  Order, Fasting   |(4) 


  Order, Fight, Rules of battles   |(28) 


  Order, Halal, Haram   |(18) 


  Order, Have Faith in Allah(swt)   |(8) 


  Order, Hunting   |(3) 


  Order, Ihsan, generosity   |(2) 


  Order, Insaaf, justice   |(16) 


  Order, Interest on Money   |(7) 


  Order, Intoxicants and Games of Chance   |(3) 


  Order, Invite People to the way of Allah(swt)   |(8) 


  Order, Killing   |(9) 


  Order, Making Deals / Agrements   |(3) 


  Order, Making Wealth   |(3) 


  Order, Maligning   |(2) 


  Order, Marrital Relations   |(43) 


  Order, Measuring Weights   |(8) 


  Order, Mind Your Chastity   |(9) 


  Order, Namaz, Salat   |(46) 


  Order, Obey Allah(swt) & Prophet   |(47) 


  Order, Perform Hajj   |(17) 


  Order, Punish Those Who Fight Against Allah(swt)   |(2) 


  Order, Read   |(5) 


  Order, Refrain from Shamefull acts   |(6) 


  Order, Responding To Aggression   |(5) 


  Order, Sabar, Patience   |(22) 


  Order, Sacrifice Of Cattle   |(2) 


  Order, Speak   |(10) 


  Order, Spending Your Wealth   |(28) 


  Order, Visiting Other People's Home   |(4) 


  Order, Zakat   |(19) 


  Order, Zikar-e-Allah(swt)   |(54) 


  People of the Book   |(8) 


  People of Valey Hijar   |(5) 


  Prayer, Hazrat Mussa(pbuh)   |(14) 


  Prayers, Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh)   |(13) 


  Prophets know that we do not know   |(2) 


  Punishment, Denying Verses of Quran   |(20) 


  Quran Prayers   |(67) 


  Quran, Challenge To Mankind   |(2) 


  Quran, for Disbelievers   |(4) 


  Quran, Reached To Jins   |(19) 


  Quran, Sajda-e-Talawat   |(14) 


  Quranic Commandments   |(2) 


  Reminding Bani Israeel of Allah's Blessings   |(13) 


  Repentence   |(20) 


  Sabaq - Saturday till Wednesday   |(22) 


  Sabaq - Thursday - Friday   |(31) 


  Salih(pbuh), People of Samood   |(64) 


  Say, Inshallah   |(7) 


  Say, To Mushriks   |(47) 


  Secrete Initializer   |(25) 


  See, What Happened to Those who Denied   |(86) 


  Shatan, Devil, Can Make Us To Forget   |(6) 


  Shatan, Devil, Causes Doubts   |(9) 


  Shatan, Devil, Deceives Humans   |(22) 


  Shatan, Devil, Disobeyed Allah(swt)   |(42) 


  Shatan, Devil, His Friends   |(20) 


  Shatan, Devil, is an Enemy to Humans   |(26) 


  Shatan, Devil, Set on Disbelivers   |(3) 


  Shirk, Mushriks   |(43) 


  Shoaib(pbuh), His People Were Dishonest In Measuring   |(38) 


  Signs & Facts Revealed   |(69) 


  Signs, Allah(swt) Supporting Our Living   |(21) 


  Story, Of Villagers Who Denied Messengers   |(17) 


  Story, People of Sheba   |(7) 


  Story, Two Friends Having Gardens   |(13) 


  Story, Yousaf(pbuh)   |(95) 


  Story, Zul-Qarnain   |(18) 


  They, Say that Allah(swt) has Son & Daughters   |(21) 


  Those who believe   |(108) 


  Those who do not believe   |(114) 


  Those, Who Acted Against Muslims   |(10) 


  Those, Who are real Losers   |(18) 


  Those, Who Falsely Accuse, Malign   |(12) 


  Those, Who Left Their Homes for Allah(swt)   |(12) 


  Those, Who Pretend as Muslims, Munafiqs   |(54) 


  Those, Who shall be cursed by Allah(swt)   |(6) 


  Those, Who Spread Mischief   |(3) 


  Those, Who Tried to Escape When Needed   |(24) 


  Those, Who Will Never Believe   |(9) 


  Unbelievers, Denying Life After Death   |(59) 


  Unbelievers, Denying Quran and Truth   |(113) 


  Unbelievers, Deying Messengers   |(35) 


  Unbelievers, Follow Their Forefathers   |(3) 


  Unbelievers, Try to Decieve Allah(swt) & The Prophet   |(18) 


  What Allah (swt) has done for us   |(15) 


  Younas(pbuh), Fish Swallowed Him   |(13) 


  Yousaf(pbuh), After Prision   |(2) 


  Yum-e-Din, Secenes Of The Last Day   |(446) 


  Zakria(pbuh), When He Prayed to Allah(swt)   |(20) 


  Zulkufil(pbuh), Introduction   |(2) 


  Zun-nun(pbuh), Introduction   |(2)